Jamb CBT will definitely come and go. Candidates taking Jamb for the very first time usually ask questions like, It’s my first time writing Jamb UTME, how is Jamb like? Is Jamb hard or simple? Is it difficult to Pass Jamb UTME? How do I pass Jamb the first time?
What is Jamb like? Jamb UTME is a Computer Based Exam to test your knowledge of the Use of English and three other Secondary School Subjects. Jamb Questions are not from “another planet”. An average student should be able to answer up to 50% of Jamb Questions (that’s a Jamb score of 200 already).
Is Jamb hard or Simple? Generally, Jamb is not difficult. Trust me, Jamb is not as difficult as you think and it is not as bad as painted. Jamb Questions are Secondary school Standards. However, you will find Jamb Questions difficult if you are not Fully Prepared.
5 Categories of People Who Find Jamb Difficult
Jamb can be simple or difficult depending on the type of Candidate you are. The following set of persons will find Jamb Questions difficult. But there is a piece of good news for them Today.
1. People With Poor Secondary School Background
Don’t get it twisted, Background is very important. If you didn’t attend a good secondary school, it could mean that you still have a whole lot to cover.
This will go a long way to affect your performance in Waec, Jamb and Scholarship Examinations. You may even have issues in your 100 level if care is not taken.
To solve this problem, simply start tackling your areas of weakness in your four Jamb subjects. Seek help if necessary and don’t fail to watch Flash Learners Videos for Free.
2. People Who Did Runs in O’level
The rate of malpractice in SSCE is high. If you are reading this, there is a high chance that you were assisted in one way or the other during your Waec days.
If you didn’t prepare very well for Waec or Neco, Jamb may be difficult for you. Why not? What you don’t know is always difficult.
3. Those Who Started With Old Jamb Past Questions
Jamb questions from nineteen ninety something are way tougher than the recent ones. Going through old past questions will make Jamb seem very difficult.
The best year to start studying Jamb past questions is from two thousand and ten (2010) or the most recent year because that has been the Jamb standard for setting Questions.
4. People Who Don’t Have A Study Life
Even if you have the best teachers, you must do your part. Your part is to have quality study time. Many Jambites don’t read these days. On the other hand, those who read don’t have a constant reading habit.
Consistency in reading and constant practice is the key to Jamb success. You shouldn’t expect Jamb to be simple when you are difficult.
Don’t read for 5 hours today and the next time you are picking a book to read is next week. Don’t leave books so that books will not leave you.
5. People Who Don’t Practice Past Questions
Many persons go into the Jamb hall without studying past questions. This is will make Jamb difficult for you. The more past questions you practice, the more you are used to the Jamb standard, the more you are able to attempt many questions within a short time. Flashlearners Jamb past questions is a great way to start getting used to how Jamb set questions.
Recommended: Top 100 Questions Jambites ask
How Jamb is like and whether Jamb is easy or difficult depends on you. If you have a solid secondary school background, excellent reading habit and as well wrote Waec by yourself, Jamb is easy to pass. Otherwise, Jamb is difficult. But there is good news for you below…
How to Make Jamb Simple For You
It doesn’t matter whether you attended a good secondary school or copied in Waec. The good news is that you can still blast Jamb if you mean it.
The solution is to get all the required Jamb materials and start reading right now. If you can cover Jamb syllables and study up to 80% of the Questions in Flashlearners Jamb Application, then Jamb will be easy for you. The ball is in your court.
Now, you need not be worried if this is your first time sitting for Jamb. All you need is the right information. My articles like top questions Jambites ask, what to do if you are scared of writing Jamb for the first time, how to pass Jamb once and how to combine Jamb with Waec are a good way for you to start your journey.
Study Jamb syllables and hot topics, Get Flashlearners Jamb CBT App or Click here to study Jamb Past Questions Online for Free. Remember, it is what you have in your head that takes you ahead.
The more you study and the more materials you have, the more confidence you will have. Boost your confidence for Jamb Today.
Over the years, I have noticed that a lot of Jambites are usually not serious until they fail Jamb for the first time. You don’t need to learn from a bad experience. What’s wrong with you passing Jamb and Gaining admission once and for all?
You may be asking, what if I study hard but still fail Jamb? It happens. The fact that you fail doesn’t mean what you read was a waste. It is better to start from where you stopped reading for the previous Jamb than to start over for the next year.
Hope you found this guide helpful? Feel free to share with your friends using the buttons below and do not fail to ask me questions using the comment box.
Ella says
Thanks a lot that was really helpful
Isaac Inegbenehi says
You did not read the article?